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Approaches to Dance for Early Years - Level 4 Certificate

Qualification summary

The People Dancing Level 4 Certificate Approaches to Dance for Early Years is a single unit qualification that introduces dance artists to key issues that may affect the delivery of dance sessions for children aged 4 years and under. It is a vocational qualification with assessment referring to application of knowledge and understanding in work-based contexts.

The qualification covers a range of issues relating to the delivery of dance sessions for children aged 4 years and under and informs the dancers practice in relation to key issues they need to consider to keep themselves and their participants safe and meaningfully engaged in a participatory dance context.

Please note: You are strongly advised NOT to start the assessment until you have read the Assessment Guidance belowOnce started the assessment cannot be restarted.


Purchase options: If you buy the Online Course and Qualification at the same time (which we call a ‘bundle’) it’s cheaper than buying them separately!

 Introduction to Leading Dance for Early Years
  Online Course Qualification Online Course and Qualification Bundle
 People Dancing Members price £65.00 BUY NOW £68.00 BUY NOW £100.00 BUY NOW 
 Organisational partners price £70.00 BUY NOW £73.00 BUY NOW  £105.00 BUY NOW
 Standard price £75.00 BUY NOW £78.00 BUY NOW £110.00 BUY NOW


Please allow 7-10 working days to receive an email with your access code once you have successfully purchased an item.

Please note: Multi-user licences are available for organisations or groups of 6 or more leaners. Please email qualifications@communitydance.org.uk for further information. Additional discounts are also available for groups of 20+ users.

Qualification in detail - click to read >>

Approaches to Dance for Early Years - Level 4 Certificate

Qualification summary

The People Dancing Level 4 Certificate Approaches to Dance for Early Years is a single unit qualification that introduces dance artists to key issues that may affect the delivery of dance sessions for children aged 4 years and under.

It is a vocational qualification with assessment referring to application of knowledge and understanding in work-based contexts.

The qualification covers a range of issues relating to the delivery of dance sessions for children aged 4 years and under and informs the dancers practice in relation to key issues they need to consider to keep themselves and their participants safe and meaningfully engaged in a participatory dance context.

Entry requirements

There are no prior qualification requirements relating to entry for this qualification. Candidates are expected to have some prior knowledge of one or more dance genres of their choice and experience of delivering or participating in dance sessions taking place in participatory or community contexts.

Qualification structure

This is a single unit qualification. Candidates successfully passing the assessment will be awarded the qualification.

Progression routes

This qualification can be taken as a stand-alone Certificate or candidates may wish to transition to other population-specific Professional Qualifications offered by People Dancing eg Approaches to Dance with Older People.

Further study will be required before the candidate is ready to take sole responsibility for delivering dance sessions for Early Years children, however the qualification can be used as a route towards further study, employment or self-employment opportunities including:

  • employment as an assistant in supervised dance sessions provided by dance organisations, Early Years providers, nurseries, or day care centres © Participatory Arts Qualifications 2021 1 Level 4 Certificate Approaches to Dance for Early Years
  • self-employment as an assistant in supervised dance sessions with dance organisations, Early Years providers, nurseries or day care centres, community or participatory arts groups.

Qualification aim

The qualification aims to introduce dance artists to key issues that may have an impact on the participation of children aged 4 and under, and their parents or carers, in taking part in a safe dance session.

It will cover the following: early childhood development; policies and legal issues affecting practice; schema; safe practice (including the use of resources for dance sessions); environmental considerations; structuring a safe dance session.

Learning outcomes

At the successful completion of this qualification you will be able to:

1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the physiological and psychological changes that may occur in children aged 0 to 4 years and the impact this may have on their participation in dance activities

  • Identify and distinguish between the different stages of growth and motor develop in children aged 0 to 4 years
  • Evidence an understanding of the potential links between dance and the mental, physical, emotional and social development of children aged 0 to 4 years.

2. Demonstrate an awareness of different approaches to planning and delivering dance sessions for children aged 4 and under

  • Demonstrate an understanding of how children aged 4 and under learn
  • Demonstrate mechanisms that will enable children aged 4 and under to contribute to artistic practice
  • Identify examples of good practice in contrasting approaches to the delivery of dance sessions for children aged 4 and under
  • Illustrate ways to combat stereotyping that may adversely affect children’s engagement in dance
  • Demonstrate an awareness of legal compliance relating to the delivery of dance with children aged 4 and under.

3. Demonstrate the ability to adapt cognitive and practical skills to plan safe dance sessions for Early Years children

  • Demonstrate an understanding of environmental considerations when planning and delivering a dance class for children aged 4 and under
  • Demonstrate an understanding of key techniques relevant to the delivery of dance sessions for children aged 4 and under
  • Evidence understanding of the importance of observation skills
  • Demonstrate an understanding of safe dance principles when working with children aged 4 and under.

Topics that need to be covered (Indicative content)

The following provides guidance about the areas that someone preparing to undertake assessment in this qualification will need to cover:

  • Early childhood development
  • Policies and legal issues affecting practice
  • Involving parents, carers or other adults in your sessions
  • Schema
  • Safe dance practice, including the use of resources for dance sessions
  • Environmental considerations;
  • Contrasting approaches to dance sessions
  • Structuring a safe dance session for Early Years children
  • Session planning.

Time needed to prepare for assessment (Total qualification time)

The total qualification time (TQT) for this Award is 125 hours. This might be broken down into 24 taught hours (guided learning hours) and 101 hours of self-directed study or a mix of the above. This includes the preparation and assessment time needed to complete this qualification.

The time needed to prepare for assessment will depend on your level of experience. If you have been working in this field for some time and keep up to date with research related to this area of work you may need less time to prepare for assessment than someone who is new to the sector.

Assessment method

Assessment for this qualification takes the form of an online test which includes multiple choice questions, short answer questions and scenarios. The online assessment accounts for 100% of the mark for this qualification and you must pass the assessment to pass the qualification. The pass mark is 60%. After being assessed candidates will be issued with a report.

Access to the online assessment will be provided when you register for the qualification.

Example tasks

The following examples show the types of questions that will be included in the online assessment.

Brain development

Tick the box to indicate at which age a child’s brain develops most significantly:

  • 0-4
  • 5-7
  • 8-11.

Positive relationships

Briefly describe one way in which you might encourage positive relationships between yourself and your dancers.

Attainment bands

There are four attainment bands for the qualification: Fail, Pass, Merit and Distinction. The pass mark is 60%. After being assessed candidates will be issued with a report.

Attainment level descriptors

The following shows how the assessors use the marks in relation to the learning outcomes set out above to determine your level of achievement.

Attainment bands

  • Fail: 59% or under. You will demonstrate a limited knowledge and understanding of the key issues that affect the participation of children aged 4 and under in a dance session and the ability to plan the delivery of a safe dance session 
  • Pass: 60% to 74%. You will demonstrate a competent knowledge and understanding of the key issues that affect the participation of children aged 4 and under in a dance session and the ability to plan the delivery of a safe dance session
  • Merit: 75% to 89%. You will demonstrate an assured knowledge and understanding of the key issues that affect the participation of children aged 4 and under in a dance session and the ability to plan the delivery of a safe dance session 
  • Distinction: 90% or above. You will demonstrate an authoritative knowledge and understanding of the key issues that affect the participation of children aged 4 and under in a dance session and the ability to plan the delivery of a safe dance session.

Suggested resources

Animated Magazine, Summer 2017 pp10-13 What happens when we move and play together with our infants?

Department for Children, Schools and Families, A Unique Child, , 2003, London

Barber J and Paul-Smith s, Early Years Observation and Planning in Practice: Your Guide to Best Practice and Use of Different Methods for Planning and Observation in the EYFS.

Laevers F, Making care and education more effective through wellbeing and involvement. An introduction to Experiential Education, 2015 University of Leuven

Monsell E and Gilmorton Children Centre, Bodies Speak: exploring the creation and development of movement language. Through child-led creative movement sessions, what can bodies tell us? (2008), Sure Start, London

O’ Connor A, Daly A, and Fulton D, Developmental Movement and Early Years Understanding Physical Development in the Early Years: Linking Bodies and Minds (2016 ) Routledge Oxford

Professional Association for Childhood and Early Years (PACEY), 30 ways to develop your understanding of schemas. 2016, PACEY, Bromley

Sancisi L and Edgington M, Developing High Quality Observation, Assessment and Planning in the Early Years

UK Government, Every Child Matters (2003), London

Online resources

People Dancing online learning programme An introduction to leading dance for Early Years

The People Dancing website — communitydance.org.uk — has a section dedicated to dance for children aged 4 and under

The following websites may also be useful:

Early Arts: https://earlyarts.co.uk/

How children learn Playing to Learn: Di Chivers commissioned by Education Union UK https://www.keap.org.uk Early Arts: Early Arts: https://earlyarts.co.uk/ How children learn http://www.ibe.unesco.org

1001 Critical Days www.1001criticaldays.co.uk © People Dancing 2021


This information is available as a downloadable PDF below

Assessment guidance - click to read >>


This guidance has been devised to support candidates who wish to take the assessment for the People Dancing Professional Qualification Level 4 Certificate Approaches to Dance for Early Years.

One time only

You will only be able to access the assessment once so please ensure you are ready to take the test before selecting the ‘Assessment’ option on this web page.

Additional support

If you have additional needs and need support in order to access the assessment please email info@communitydance.org.uk before visiting the assessment pages.

Time limit

Once you open the assessment you will continue to have access to it for a maximum of 4 hours. This is considerably longer than you are likely to need.

If you have not submitted your work at the end of the four-hour period the system will automatically submit the answers you have provided and you will not be able to open the assessment again.

Answering questions

Questions within the assessment are provided in a number of formats including multiple choice, true or false, drag and drop and short written answers.

You should attempt all the questions in the assessment.

You can change any of your answers prior to clicking on the ‘Finish attempt’ button that appears at the end of the assessment.

Review your answers before finishing your assessment.

Submitting your work

When you are ready to finish the assessment click the ‘Finish attempt’ button that will appear after the final question. The system will take you to a summary page where you can check that you have answered all the questions. You can either select the ‘Return to attempt’ button or, if you are sure that you want to submit the answers you can click the ‘Submit all and finish’ button.

Once the ‘Submit all and finish’ has been selected it will ask you to confirm your decision. When you have finally submitted your work a message saying ‘Done. Assessment submitted’ will appear on the screen.

You will not be able to revisit the questions or your answers once the Submit button has been clicked for the second time.


The results of your assessment will be emailed to you within three weeks of submission.


This information is available as a downloadable PDF below