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Wordwise: writing about your work
Thursday 27 July 2023, with Donald Hutera


A one-day in-person workshop for anyone who wants to develop their skills to be able to write about their dance work in a compelling and engaging way. Spend the day with writer, critic and performer Donald Hutera and your peers to hone and sharpen your writing style.
£95 Members/£145 Non-Members


By taking this course you will:

  • Learn to appreciate different and comparative approaches to writing about yourself and your work
  • Gather details of own accomplishments and aspirations before beginning to shape and polish that wealth of raw material
  • Grasp the possibilities of written language to capture the essence of who you are and what you do as artist/practitioner
  • Gain insights into how to develop clarity, precision, beauty, grace, pleasure and pride in your use of words.
Donald Hutera has been writing about dance, theatre, live performance and the arts both in the US and the UK since 1977. Publications and website include The Times of London, Animated, Dance Europe, and many others. He also curated both GOlive Dance and Performance, and Chelsea Arts Collective aka CAC. He currently works as a devising performer with Rhiannon Faith Company and Posh Club * Dance Club.